Saturday, December 30, 2006


Paddling Pools and Pumpkin!! Andrew actually had his first swim in the sea at
the Whakatane Estuary thingy!, but I didn't have my camera!

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Aussie Aussie Aussie

Andrew in his Aussie hat from Aunty-Cousin-Davina!

Wednesday, December 06, 2006


Here is Drew is his wee Dungaree's that Kelly and Steve give him! Thanks Kelly & Steve! He looks so cute in them!

He has been a really smiley little lad of late. He smiles at everyone in the shops and passers-by. So cuuuuuuuuuuute.

Solid food is going well, he has a jar or two of something fruity or yellow each day! (pumpkin, kumera, sweetcorn, pears, apples)

He has also started to really try to crawl. He gets up on his knee's momentarily, bum in the air and everything!!

Aunty Jody & Uncle Dave fly off to Rarotonga today and then back home in England via the states! Good Luck you guys! It was good to see you. Come back soon! Go on!

Love Nykie, Drew & Nig!! xxx

Sunday, November 26, 2006


Dads foot. Dad in background. Lazy Sunday Avo.


Andrew had his 5 month vaccinations the other week. I waited until he was older though, he is actually 7 months! He was okay. Just a little grizzly and had a minor temperature hence the cold flannel!

Tuesday, November 21, 2006


He pulls some hilarious faces in the bath. He just loves it.


After a few weeks of building up his solids, this was his
first time eating a fairly massive helping of Farex mixed with pears.
I was quite amazed at how much he ate!! and that night.....
He slept 6 hours, the following night he slept 7! I am glad I am
getting sleep, but also glad that he is. I think he has been a little tired
just trying to get fed! Poor wee fella.....

We are sticking to Farex and pears until he is 7 months, and then I am
going to start introducing some new fruit and vegies.

He is still on a bottle strike however. Grr. missing a girls night this Friday!

Noodle x


My Boys!

Nuff Said.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Swimming Again!!

Andrew went under for the first time today!! He did so well. He had hiccups afterwards though, so I am guessing he swallowed some!!! But no spluttering, seemed quite relaxed about it!!


Surfer Baby!!

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Famous Drew...

Well, not really..
Most of you would have seen his video as I emailed it out, but I have now
put it on


Friday, November 03, 2006

More sunshine....

He was lying here with his bottom half all nudie-like and loving it! We are off down to mums art studio now to mince around the gallery! Ciao.


We made a tent with the clothes horse today and lay outside in the sunshine. It was so lovely! Bring on summer!! If I wasn't a vegetarian I would be excited about eating Cheesey Sizzlers! But alas, I do not eat churned up lips and arseholes. Ok. Andrew is very cute. I am sure he actually is, and its not just blind love! - te he.
Here is my sweettttttie pie Andrew. He is 24 weeks old now and is doing really well. He is so cute... and giggles and screams and gets really excited - especially when Nigel comes home!

Im a crap website designer...

Its just easier to start a blogsite!